Minutes of the 2000 HFA Business Meeting
October 28, 2000
Pensacola, Florida
Meeting was called to order at 9:10 AM by Bill Higdon, President, and was opened with a prayer by Helen Allison, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance lead by Ernest Higdon.
Janice M. Higdon read the minutes from the 1999 meeting, which were approved as read.
The Treasurer’s report was read by Bill Higdon in the absence of Frank B. Higdon, with certain corrections noted. It was determined that the corrections would be clarified at a later date.
Charles E. Higdon provided clarification on the method for amending the constitution or bylaws as follows:
Send your suggestion to the current President of the Association.1 The president will submit your suggestion to the Board and arrange for it to be published in the newsletter. The suggestion will then be submitted for vote at the next Business Meeting of the Association.
No report
Janice J. Higdon reported that the newsletter, which only goes to members, has reduced circulation from approximately 300 to about 150. She asked for suggestions for increasing the membership list. Jo Ann Smith provided a verbal list of former institutional recipients of the newsletter and suggested that they be included again.
Helen H. Allison asked that she be notified of any deaths this year, and they would be included in the evening memorial
The nominating committee submitted the following slate of candidates to serve as officers of the Higdon Family Association for the coming year:
Paul Brown, President
L. Frank Higdon, First Vice President
Nina Ruth Vaughan, Third Vice President
Gale Tyrrell, 2-year Director
Lisa Atkins, 2-year director
Janice J. Higdon, Newsletter
Janice M. Higdon, Secretary
Frank Higdon announced his retirement as Treasurer; Charles P. Higdon was nominated to succeed him.
Eva Wood moved to accept the nominations. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Helen H. Allison asked for input from members regarding additions to the history of the Association. She announced that the Association now has an archive of 12 books of genealogical data. Eugene Smith moved that the Association purchase a copy of Gina Lee Theiss’s book to add to the collection. The motion carried.
Janice J. Higdon asked that members be diligent in providing information on births, deaths, life happenings, photos and other items of interest for the newsletter. Lisa Atkins advised that including personal information, such as mother’s maiden name, can lead to identity fraud, so we need to be careful about what we make available to the general public.
The following information was provided by the Scholarship Committee: Documents for the scholarship were created in 1994. Scholarships will be for $500 since the Association wishes to preserve the fund’s principal. Any insured investments are permitted for the scholarship fund. The application form can be put on the internet and downloaded by interested parties.
None to report
Helen H. Allison moved that Frank B. Higdon be named an honorary lifetime director of the Association. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Eva Wood questioned whether a decision has been made regarding permanent archiving of HFA materials. Jo Ann Smith suggested Western Carolina University. They have an active genealogy department, many Higdons passed through that area, and she thinks they would be receptive to getting the material. Janice J. Higdon moved that Jo Ann Smith, Eva Wood and Helen Allison form a committee to investigate this option. The motion was seconded and carried.
Charles E. Higdon suggested that when the new president holds the first Board of Directors meeting, the committee member names and assignments be published in the newsletter.
The following announcements were made regarding contributions to the HFA scholarship fund:
Eugene Smith and his brother are contributing $40 in memory of their brother who passed away the past year. L. Frank and Barbara Higdon are donating $200 in memory of W. Dain Higdon.
President Bill Higdon adjourned the meeting at 11:00 AM.
Janice M. Higdon
1October 22, 2002: The current procedure is to notify the Constitution and ByLaws
Committee, not the President. The committee members are Charles E. Higdon, Charles P. Higdon,
and Nancy A. Higdon.
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