2003 Fredericksburg, TX

Minutes of the 2003 HFA Business Meeting

August 14, 2003
Fredericksburg, Texas

The business meeting was called to order by President Ernie Higdon.

Shelby Smith led us in prayer.

Frank Higdon led the Pledge of Allegiance.

It was discussed and decided to send Charles E. Higdon a get-well card.

The president read a letter from Opal Willis that said she was not able to attend the annual meeting this year.

The Treasurer's report was given by Charles P. Higdon and then accepted.

Minutes of the 2002 annual meeting were read by the secretary Joyce Higdon. Frank Higdon made a motion to accept the minutes; this motion was seconded by Bill Higdon.

Frances Smith read the names of the people who had passed away since our meeting in 2002.

Two new directors were elected for a two-year term; the new directors were Barbara Higdon and Paul Brown.

Bill Higdon reported on the HFA scholarship fund. The scholarship fund will be converted to a foundation. You can get information and forms about scholarships on the internet or they can be requested from the association.

Frank Higdon made motion to adjourn; Charles P. Higdon seconded the motion. The 2003 annual meeting was adjourned. 

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