Minutes of the 1990 HFA Business Meeting
October 20, 2007
San Antonio, Texas
Note: These minutes have not yet been read and approved by the members. They will be read at the
2008 meeting; at which time corrections will be accepted.
The 2007 meeting of the Higdon Family Association, Inc HFA, Business
Meeting was called to order by President Janice J. Higdon at 9:35 am
CDT, Saturday October 20, 2007, at the Menger Hotel on the 2nd floor
meeting room. Directors and officers attending included: Janice J.
Higdon, Janice M. Higdon, Barbara Tedford, Charles E. Higdon, Jim Kelly,
Carolyn Cole, Eva Wood, Charles P. Higdon, Sarah (Sally) Higdon Swain,
Eugene Smith, Nancy Higdon, and Paul Brown, and also attended by
additional general members of the HFA.
The meeting was opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary Paul Brown read the minutes of the 2006 HFA board
meeting that was held in Hiawassee, Georgia. The Business Meeting
minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer Charles P. Higdon gave a general accounting of
HFA finances as of September 30, 2007. Newsletter expenses were higher
since nine newsletters were produced and mailed compared to the normal
six newsletters. The additional letters were required to catch up since
only three newsletters were written and mailed in 2006.
The treasurer presented a detailed financial report for
HFA as of September 30, 2007. The beginning balance was $10,070.97,
income $7,205.00, expenses $6,344.56, with an ending balance of
$10,931.41. Income included $4,000.00 received from the scholarship fund
for 2007 scholarship awards Letters have been sent to non-paying
members to remind them they are behind in payment. Newsletters are sent
to paying members. Approximately 20 additional paying members are
necessary to break even with expenses. An individual membership drive
will be conducted by each member.
A motion was made by Sally Swain to accept the financial
report. It was seconded by Charles E. Higdon, and the motion was
Treasurer Charles P. Higdon then presented the financial
status of the HFA Scholarship Fund. The opening balance as of August 1,
2006, was $101,120.93. Donations and income were $9,025.07 less
expenses of $4,500.00, with
an ending balance of $105,646.00. Expenses included transferring
$4,000.00 to the general account for four 2007 scholarship awards. The
ending balance consists of three accounts: 12-month CD?s $91,814.46,
share account $1,069.04, and 5-year CD?s $12,762.50.
A motion was made by Barbara Tedford to accept the
financial report. It was seconded by Charles E. Higdon, and the motion
was approved.
The treasurer reported that HFA had 93 members in 2006 with 77 members paying thus far in 2007.
Treasurer Charles P Higdon, indicated he was retiring from being the treasurer. The
nominating committee will meet to nominate new directors and officers that are needed.
Member Randy Cole discussed a CD that he has completed
that included all scanned HFA newsletters from the first one in 1972 to
the present newsletter. It was a major task by Randy to complete the
very useful CD. The HFA board had approved that all new members will
receive a copy of the CD, and current members, in good standing, are
eligible to receive a copy of the newsletter CD upon their request.
The nominating committee, including the recent past
president, current president, and next president, presented the new
Slate of Officers for approval. President -Janice M. Higdon, 1st Vice
President -Barbara Tedford, 2nd Vice President-Nan Harrison, 3rd Vice
resident -Martha Tidwell, 1 Yr Directors-William R. Higdon, and Eva
Wood, 2 Yr Directors-Jim Kelly and Jane Brackett, Honorary Director-Jo
Ann Smith, Secretary-Paul Brown, Treasurer-Carolyn Cole,
Parliamentarian-Janice J. Higdon, Historian-Eugene Smith,
Necrologist-Frances H. Smith, Newsletter Editor-Barbara Tedford,
Technologist-Travis N. Higdon.
General Discussion--Newsletter discussion related to
newsletter information. Several suggested that genealogy become a
larger part of future newsletters. Members agreed that additional
genealogy information should be submitted to the editor, especially for
each member genealogy lines.
The officers congratulated Charles P. Higdon, treasurer
and Nancy Higdon, editor and technologist, for many years of excellent
service in their positions that they are retiring from.
It was discussed and agreed that approximately 200 pages
in the current Higdon history books be scanned for easier and quicker
access. Janice J. Higdon will have the history books scanned and a copy
would be available for Western Carolina University.
A request was made that the HFA Bylaws and Constitution be available at all HFA meetings.
The 2008 HFA reunion will be hosted by Janice M. Higdon at Colonial Williamsburg.
The HFA reunion banquet will be held this evening at 6:45 PM CDT in the Minuet room.
A motion was made, seconded and passed, that the meeting be adjourned.
The meeting adjourned at 11:20 AM CDT.
Paul Brown
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