I am 56 years old and have always heard of Higdon, AL. Well the curiosity finally got the best of me. Myra and I went south to Higdon, AL on June 30, 2008. In this small community we found four Churches and two were named HIGDON! First one was named Higdon Free Holiness Church, second was Higdon Baptist Church. Also we found the Higdon Family Cemetery. The given name's on these stone's are so much similar to our family in Western North Carolina, even their wives name's. I met a young man out side the Higdon Post Office. I ask him if he was from there and he said yes. I then asked him if there were any Higdons left around there. He replied, “I’m a Higdon!" I introduced myself as a Higdon from NC. Well about one hour later we ended our conversation. He was Sherwell Higdon, a direct descendant of Blackburn Higdon, who founded Higdon, AL. This was a wonderful experience for me and I plan to go back this fall.
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